Hi! I'm Kristen!

Kristen Robinson is the Lead Generation Specialist of Explode Your Audience. She helps online coaches grow their email lists so that they can fill their online courses and group programs. Kristen is also a military spouse. Her husband, Lamont, serves in the United States Marine Corps.

When she is not working or attending a Family Day for her husband's unit, she is playing with her Black Lab/hound mix puppy, Taichou.

Explode Your Audience Blueprint

Wish you had a bigger email list? The Explode Your Audience Blueprint shares my 6 simple strategies to MASSIVELY grow your email list to your first 1,000 email subscribers. 

Not only does the blueprint share my 6 simple strategies but also how to maximize each strategy wherever you are on your list-building journey. These are the same 6 strategies that helped me grow my email list from nothing (or next to nothing) to 4,000+ email subscribers TWICE!

Click here to get the blueprint!

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Need to contact us?

Customer Service Email Address: Hello@ExplodeYourAudience.com

Giveaway Customer Service Email Address: JVCollective@EXplodeYourAudience.com

Business Hours: Monday through Thursday from 10am - 4pm Eastern Time
We are closed Friday-Sunday

If you contacted us, please give us 1-2 business days to respond. Please do not direct message Kristen on social media with your request.